(785) 827-5877

From the Executive Director:
July 2024
In Salina and the surrounding region, there is a significant need for a stronger connection between local farmers, consumers, and the food insecure areas of the community. Prairieland Market is well positioned to bring together and connect these elements. Our mission is to encourage healthy food choices, provide nutritional food education, and access to local, organic, and craft foods, in order to promote enhanced well-being for the community.
Prairieland Market was created as Prairieland Food Co-op in 1978. The move to a bigger space to accommodate more bulk organic foods, local meat, cheese, honey, produce, and craft items came in 2011, to the current location at 305 E Walnut Ave. In 2020, a new entity was formed with a board of directors focused on the goal of becoming a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. That recognition by the IRS came in February of 2022.
Prairieland Market’s capital campaign “Building a Healthy Community” is moving forward with the construction of a large space located at 118 S Santa Fe offering a full line of groceries, an expanded Community Supported Agriculture program, and a commercial kitchen to make healthy meals using local and organic ingredients. We are developing an education program to offer nutrition, cooking, and food preservation classes to children and adults in the community. That vision is scheduled to come to fruition this fall.
Through the silent portion of the campaign, individuals, businesses, and foundations in the community have brought us to 90% of our $1,000,000 goal. With over 90% of the goal raised or pledged, we are now going to the community, those that will also benefit from having access to farm fresh produce, a full line of groceries, prepared foods, and educational programs that will help build a healthier community.
Salutation, we are inviting you to join us in “Building a Healthy Community” with a financial contribution
toward our goal. Won’t you support our mission with a donation of $100, $250, or $500? For your convenience we have included a reply envelope and the tear-off donation card below. Any amount you can contribute will go a long way toward supporting the mission and vision of Prairieland Market in building a healthy community!
Thank you for supporting this endeavor in Salina and the surrounding communities.

Giving to Prairieland Market helps connect your community to local, fresh food, supports your local farmer,
and makes educational opportunities available to all.
Donations* support:
Renovation, new equipment, and supplies for the new expanded Market
Market staff salary and benefits
Our prepared foods team
Area farmers, ranchers, and craftsmen
Overhead and utilities
Educational programs, events, and community activities
We encourage our patrons to become supporters with a one-time, monthly, or yearly contribution. Doing so supports Prairieland, our farmers and vendors, and our mission to connect our community to local, fresh foods.
To make a donation, print the donation form below and mail along with your check or if you'd like to donate through PayPal there is a link below.​
If you would like to make special arrangements, or discuss your gift, please feel free to
contact Vickee Spicer at (785) 820-1369 or email vespicer@gmail.com.
Karen Black | Larry Bunker & Gary Martens | Ruth & Bill Cathcart-Rake | Jeff Cooper | Paula Fried | Barb Goode | Joyce Gorton | Amy Hemmer | Maggie & Tom Hemmer | Matt Hemmer | Jared & Alison Hiatt | Maya Kathrineberg | Paul Krumm | Willow Leenders | Pat Lertora | Christina Litwiller | John Marietta | Gayle Martin | Mary & Tom Mertz | Diane Miller | Katie Platten | Martha Rhea | Heather Smith | Vickee Spicer | Melanie Terrill & Mike Soetart | Jim & Joyce Trower | Guy Walker | Theresa & Maure Weigel | Monte White
Glory Benacka | Karen Black | Phil Black | James Bowden | Ruth & Bill Cathcart-Rake | Tom & Annelle Claassen | Brian Crowther | Kyle Crowther | Sarah Diehl | Paula Fried | Linda German | Barb Goode | Joyce Gorton | Gabe Grant | Alexandra Griffin | Matt Hemmer | Jared & Alison Hiatt | Joan Jackson | Maya Kathrineberg | Paula Knox | Paul Krumm | Willow Leenders | Pat Lertora | Christina Litwiller | Gayle Martin | Mary & Tom Mertz | Anna Pauscher Morawitz | Keith Phillips | Martha Rhea | Linda Rohrer | Heather Smith | Connie Stevens | Noni Strand | Melanie Terrill | Carolyn & Mark Wedel | Ann Zimmerman
Barb Goode | Colleen & Dahx Marrs | Dwight Gage | Amanda & Grant Wagner | Piyush Labhsetwar | Lora Duffield - "Rags to Rugs" | Brad Moxter - "American Boiler" | Cyndy Knutson | John Leach | Connie Stevens | Sarah & Tim Crews | Adrienne Mammen | Mary Kay Allison | Willow Leenders | Ann Zimmerman | Marlene Walker | Joyce Gorton | Becky Cram | John Marietta | Larry Bunker & Gary Martens | Owen Freiburger